Employers Vacancy Matching Service


Capital Training Group can source and recruit Apprentices for you.

A member of the Capital Training Group team will discuss the vacancy you have and start our intensive recruitment process.

As a minimum, we will always aim to:

To find out more, email a member of our team.

Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (AGE)

AGE 16 to 24 has already helped thousands of employers to grow their business by employing an apprentice. AGE 16 to 24 is available until 31 December 2014, subject to eligibility and availability.

The AGE 16 to 24 Grant for Employers aims to support businesses, who would not otherwise be in a position to do so, to recruit individuals aged 16 to 24 into employment though the Apprenticeship programme.

The National Apprenticeship Service will provide AGE 16 to 24 to eligible employers, in respect of qualifying apprentices, with an individual value of £1,500. Employers can be paid ten grants in total during the lifetime of the initiative.

AGE 16 to 24 targets employers with less than 1000 employees, who are new to Apprenticeships or haven’t enrolled a new recruit or existing employee onto an Apprenticeship programme in the previous 12 months.

Home Instead Intermediate Apprentice Emma Elliot, was nominated and won the Apprentice of the Year 2014 at Capital Training Groups ‘Big Breakfast’ event for National Apprenticeship week.


Photo caption: L to R: Home Instead; Emma Elliot, Apprentice of the year 2014, Clare Jefferies Home Instead Director.

Quotes From Ofsted Inspection 2014

Quotes on our Vacancy Matching Service from our Ofsted Inspection in May 2014 below:

“Information, advice and guidance to learners are good. The preparation and matching of each learner to an appropriate employer is excellent. One employer highlighted how their apprentice, from the outset, displayed the appropriate attitude and positive outlook to fit well in their very specific and challenging work environment. Tutors adopt a particularly enthusiastic and motivational approach that raises learners’ aspirations and encourages learners to progress to higher levels and to consider promotion and employment opportunities.”